Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Book Turn-offs

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week has a specific topic to which bloggers make a list of their top ten books in that category.

I'm terrible with deadlines. See, I had last week's Top Ten Tuesday almost ready... And then I forgot to finish and post it. This week, I made it my goal to finish it on time. And here I was, Monday night, desperately trying to finish it. Procrastination ftw. This week's topic is Top Ten Book Turn-offs.

1) Tiny Words, Full Pages - The size of books generally don't daunt me too much. I'm willing to read a 600-paged, 3-inch thick book if it's good enough, but it has to have a decent-sized text with space in between each line. If it's hard to read the text, let alone follow the storyline, I can never seem to concentrate. Though that's just me.

2) Multiple POV's - I don't always hate these. Sometimes they're actually done really well and the characters are deep and realistic enough. However, most books that have multiple POV's do eventually get on my nerves. One character's chapter almost always seems to be more thrilling and action-packed than the other. And the other is generally frustrating with some stubborn person who refuses to change their views. It makes it a bit realistic at times but most of the time it just makes me want to skip certain chapters of a book.

3) Love Triangles - It's not that they're always bad... But there are those times when they're just so cheesy and stupid that they simply don't work. Oftentimes, the third wheel(the person who is basically the main character's competition) is made so ridiculously flawed that it's no wonder that the main character gets the girl/guy.

4) Popular Girls/Cliques - These are already annoying in real life. Do I really need to read about them?

5) Stupid Main Characters - Dramatic irony is one thing. Stupid unjustified decisions that seem to lengthen the plot merely because the author felt like writing a longer book is another. 

6) Unrealistic Characters - Maybe they're almost like superheroes(even if they're not really supposed to be) or maybe they befriend people WAY to quickly to be real. Either way, if odd characters distract from the main plot, it's a big turn off for me.

7) Nothing Happens - You know those books where you're constantly waiting for something mindblowing and exciting to happen? And you keep waiting? And you're struggling through the book and you realize that you're already more than halfway through the book and nothing has happened? Yeah, hate those.

8) Train of Thought - My thoughts are hard enough to follow in my own mind, so when there's a story that jumps all over the place like the author just happened to ramble on about something and then change subjects, I find it hard to follow. It's cool sometimes, but not for a whole book...

9) Incorrect Facts - It's really funny when some author uses some facts of some sort to try to make a point or explanation in the story. It's even funnier when the facts are fake when they're not supposed to be. 

10) Quotations - One or two quotes are okay. Or even a small quote at the beginning of the chapter. But when you quote a big hunk of poetry and then discuss it, it's a little too much. Or even slightly lesser cases. Basically, write your own stuff. Quotes distract from the story.

Those are my turn-offs. What are yours? Link me to your TTT in the comments below. :)

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