This week's topic is(as shown in the title) Top Ten Most Intimidating Books. These listed aren't in any particular order.
1) Inheritance by Christopher Paolini - That's one ginormous book, you know? What was it, 880 pages? Okay, I'll admit I read it, but I definitely have to reread it. After all, I don't remember a thing that happened(nor do I remember anything in Brisingr... Oh dear... Now that's two super long books to read...
2) The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo - It's a classic and I've been meaning to read it for ages. I mean, I own a copy so there's really no excuse... Except that it's in French. I read French fine and all but it really hard to get the motivation to read a classic. In French. (It's already hard enough to convince myself to read any French at all) And then I'm never able to justify going to the library for it when I own a copy! Issues... I really need to read this...
3) Gossip Girl by Cecily von Ziegezar - What can I say? It's gossip girl and I'm not that type of girl. Like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, I own a copy but like I said, it's Gossip Girl!
4) Defiance by C.J. Redwine - Looks interesting. I've had it on my to-read list for months. I've pretty much just been scared to read it. I've run into too many cliffhangers with the next book not being out for another year or so. I looked it up. There's a second book that hasn't been released yet. So basically I'm scared of waiting after a cliffhanger.
5) The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis - I have wanted to read this book since I heard of it but I've always been scared. Kinda worried this book is the type to make you feel terrible about all your bad deeds. Still intrigued though.
6) The Princess Bride by William Goldman - Best. Movie. Ever. And that's what I'm scared of. I don't want to spoil it. But I'm becoming more and more convinced to read it despite my hesitations. So many raving reviews on goodreads.
7) Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens - Another classic... with some terrible reviews. I want to read it simply because it's a classic. And intriguing. And we went over it in socials at one point. But those reviews... Ugh, I'm too scared of bad books...
8) Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins - I've read the first half/quarter/thirdish and the last page if that counts for anything. I couldn't stand this one. Maybe it's just me. I'm weird sometimes. I loved the first two books of the series and maybe it was because I was expecting more action than dialogue. Either way, I wasn't able to actually read to the end. I've got to fix that at some point.
9) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams - I want to read this one. I hear it's good. But I honestly have no idea what to expect. The synopsis totally confuses me as to what the book is actually about. I'm mostly intimidated because I have to depend on recommendations and reviews alone to make my decision to read it. Which is likely the main reason I have not read it as of yet.
10) Lord of the Flies by William Golding - I was never forced to read this in school which I find is both good and bad. I still honestly don't know if I actually want to read it. I've read a few parts before and they were gruesome and sick. But I still do slightly want to read it just to say that I have. And I guess it's a somewhat interesting concept as well.
Well, those are my top ten intimidating books. I do hope to read them eventually. *crosses fingers* (I am SUCH a wimp when it comes to books!) Looking forward to reading others' top ten!
Enjoy and keep reading. :)
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